2022 Chevrolet Corvette
2022 Chevrolet Corvette
Owner(s): Steve Rahn
City / State: West Des Moines, IA
Club(s): Modern Custom Dreamz
Engine Details:
Fuel Injection/Carburetor:
Exhaust / Mufflers: Performance Tuned Exhaust
Transmission: 8 speed, dual clutch
Rear-end / Ratio:
Front Suspension:
Front Brakes: Z51-Hawk pads
Rear Suspension:
Rear Brakes: Z51 Hawk Pads
Wheels: Corvette Trident
Body Modifications: Stingray-R Graphics Package, High Spoiler- color matched, ground effects wings
Paint Type / Color: Torch Red
Interior Goodies: 15 Speaker Bose Audio
Custom Pieces:
Cool Story: When she's at the Drive-Through lane at Walgreen's, I have to turn the engine off so that the pharmacist can hear me...